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Client: ATNSC  |  Deliverables: Brand Identity, Branding Materials, Merch  |  Agency: Collective Power

atnscArtboard 2 copy 7@2x.png

Brand Identity

ATNSC is an arts and healing space in Ohio. The space holds a gallery as well as community space, and as such, we wanted to create a logo that positions ATNSC as a peer of contemporary galleries in major cities like New York while also representing how ATNSC aims to break the mold of what a gallery space can be and how it can promote community and healing.

The wide "N" at the center of the logo creates a sense of balance while also calling attention to the idea of "and," representing how the space can be a gallery and  more. The organic circle cutout represents both breaking the mold and fitting into a community. The shape is not fully connected, as ATNSC aims to promote individual thought and acceptance while still providing an open space for all.


Branding Materials & Merchandise

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